Monday, January 18, 2010

Prime Minister Day

I notice (or I noticed in the past but forgot until recently) that the United States has a Federal Holiday called "Presidents Day" that celebrates Washington's Birthday (and all President's since then). What a wonderful idea! Celebrate the leaders of the past with a commemorative holiday that all citizens can share together. Wonderful.

We here in Canada do not have such a holiday. Why not? What not a holiday called "Prime Minister's Day" or "Founder's Day" where we celebrate our Aboriginal, French and English forefathers in a unified way. I for one would definitely partake in this event.

As an aside, it has come to my attention that the house where Sir John A. MacDonald was born in Glasgow Scotland may be torn down. The Right Honorable Sir John A. MacDonald was instrumental in creating this country and it would only cost a few bucks to save his house as a National Heritage visitation location although of foreign soil (are we really that foreign?). This would give all Canadians a sense of unity with a tie to the British Empire. Although I am not a super-fan of the Monarchy, we nevertheless should celebrate our heritage rather than destroy it...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wes, you may be correct, however, why would we celebrate leadership in Canada, when clearly it is absent!