Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Global Warming?

Ever notice that when it gets cold outside, water vapor forms on the inside of the windows in your house. This is due to the fact that warm air holds more moisture than cold air. When the warm air hits the glass on the windows, heat is lost to the glass from the air, allowing the air to cool forcing the water molecules to "drop" on to the window pane and hence the "fogging" of the window occurs.

What if we take this to a global scale?

North America, Europe and most countries in the northern hemisphere this year are experiencing major downfalls of snow and rain unheard of in the last 60 years. If we were in fact heating up, would not the atmosphere be able to hold more moisture rather than drop it on the earth? My hypothesis at this time is that the earth is now in a short cooling trend evidenced by the amount of moisture coming to rest on the planet.

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