Thursday, January 14, 2010

Haiti - Another 2004 Tsunami Relief Effort?

So here we are in 2010 and we have another disaster we have to respond to. It breaks my heart to see the enormity of the catastrophe that has unfolded in Haiti. As a citizen of Canada I am very proud of our response in so short a time and I further expect significantly more Canadian effort in the time ahead.

But with honour and valour also comes opportunity and the potential for corruption. As Naomi Klein has magnificently pointed out in her book The Shock Doctrine, there is no better time for a corporatist takeover of the institutions and landholdings of those with little protection than in a time of crisis. We as citizens of the planet, need to be cognizant of these forces and must require of all governments public accountability in how they are dealing with the people of Haiti. The World Bank has already loaned Haiti $100 Million dollars and I am sure that is just a start. We must make sure a loan is just a loan and that Haiti can repay its debt in the long term. However with a still struggling world economy it may take awhile.

I have been trying to find out (on the web) what is the current status of the affected 2004 Tsunami areas and what has become of all of the donated money. It looks like carries some good information. Is it the truth? Anybody?

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