Where does the time go? I notice as I get older that time simply keeps moving faster. I keep wondering that if this is the case, then am I experiencing a relativistic time differential due to my accelerating rate towards my demise? It makes sense actually. The faster my cells reproduced in the past, the slower time felt. And now that my cells are reproducing much slower, time feels faster.
Rate of change of time

Rate of change of age
The human life curve, or whatever it is called, allows one to start life as a newborn (or before in the womb if you so desire), grow to adult hood and from there experience life in a slow degradation towards death. I remember as a kid that time seemed to flow much slower. Waiting for summer to come. "Are we there yet?" ring a bell for anyone? Yet today, the hours slip by and then I notice it is late afternoon. Does this mean then that as my cells age, my perception of a faster time is real and not just perceived? Is it possible that the human body, as an entity within the universe, experiences the same effects as described by Einstein's Special theory of Relativity? It makes sense actually, but can it be measured?
Regardless, this notion of a perceptible time differential due to loss of "life energy" is an interesting phenomena. Perhaps worth pursuing.
What to you think?