Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Carbon Zero City


I always find it interesting reading about environmental initiatives taking place that are touted as great achievements for mankind. Although I applaud foresight and forward-thinking, we must remember the cost some of the initiatives come with and their hidden impacts on the future. One only has to look under the surface just a bit to see what the real effects are or have been that run counter to the environmental vision.

Take for example the Masdar Initiative, in Dubai, in the United Arab Emirates. A supposed “carbon zero city”. This initiative is being espoused as a great environmental breakthrough. It is important to note that a lot of what they are trying to put in place is definitely laudable. Building a city where no one needs to drive cars is great. Obviously it must be a small city with little need for travel and the people who live in it have no desire for a lawn or garden and enjoy living in high-rises.

Three key items I think deserve mentioning regarding this initiative are:

  1. The money to back the initiative comes from past oil revenue. I would say they have played a significant role in shooting carbon into the atmosphere just like us – guilty by association.
  2. UAE will continue to pump and sell oil to us (Thank You Very Much- we need it) at a high cost preventing some of us from diverting fuel costs to energy efficiencies such as new home appliances.
  3. Construction techniques being what they are today, require significant oil consumption. How does one make concrete with breaking down limestone first to make cement?

It is easy to build a city that uses very little fossil fuel when the rest of the world is burning oil on your behalf and funding the construction with their hard-earned dollars.

Friday, June 29, 2007

Let us Begin

Hi Everybody,

This blog will discuss many things. It will contain opinions which are solely my own and do not reflect any company or companies that I am working for currently or have worked for in the past.

Some of these views may be a little "off-the-wall", but hey, you have to take a chance if you want to change anything; am I right or am I right?

Thoughts for the Day

I was in London, England 3 weeks ago presenting at an EA conference when the following idea occurred to me:

There are 3 types of information an individual is aware of.
  1. First, is the information an individual knows,
  2. Second, is the information the individual knows he/she does not know
  3. And third is the information the individual does not know he or she knows.

Draw this as a pie chart and it in obvious with 3. being the largest.

Now, I also know as I get older that I know that there is a lot of information I do not know and even more information I don't know I don't know.

Rememeber that the amount of information produced by humanity doubles every year.

Does this mean that when I die I will esentially know nothing?

Just a thought,
